Exploration could double Alphamin’s resources at Bisie


Geology is the one thing miners are not able to change. They cannot improve ore bodies or create valuable deposits. Geology does not follow mining companies. Miners must go out and look for the exceptional deposits wherever they are. If they are in the developing world, the risks, and the costs, to extract them are […]

Exploration drilling gives Bisie another boost

Bisie North Kivu

Alphamin Resources’ (TSXV:AFM) (JSE: APH) Bisie tin mine in the DRC continues growing in stature. Not only does the mine unearth the highest-grade tin in the world, but its spectacular geology lends itself to almost unthinkable upside potential.    When Alphamin Resources’ started the second phase of their diamond drilling programme at the Bisie prospect, North Kivu […]

Drilling ramps up at Durango

Durango East Barry

Canadian exploration company Durango Resources (TSX-V: DGO; OTCQB: ATOXF; Frankfurt: 86A1) is heading north as drilling for gold ramps up in the prolific Windfall Lakes district and the possibility of good results get retail investors excited.  If you are an investor and into gold, the Abitibi and Urban Barry Greenstone Belts in Canada should be on your […]

Limestone the outlier of Durango’s portfolio


Five years ago, when Canadian exploration company Durango Resources Inc. (TSX-V: DGO ; Frankfurt: 86A1 ; OTCQB: ATOXF) first appeared on the investment radar, gold was in the doldrums. In October 2015, the gold price hovered at around USD1,142 per ounce, lucky to tread water above USD1,000 per ounce after a horrific run by the […]

Bisie on a non-stop growth path


As Alphamin Resources continues reporting excellent results at Bisie, the buoyant tin price could open up room for more tin projects in Africa, although it is still early days. Alphamin’s Bisie tin project in the eastern parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is without a doubt in a league of its own […]

New-normal-investors seek sanity with Alphamin’s Bisie

tin uses

Alphamin’s tin mine in the DRC is making strides and Wall Street should be taking note.      A new breed of investor is moving and shaking Wall Street’s foundations. Amateur day-traders took aim at elite short sellers on Wall Street recently and transformed investor behaviour in an instant… maybe forever. Whether the week-long digital siege of […]

Alphamin tin mine leads from the front

touch screen

Alphamin Resources’ (TSXV:AFM) (JSE: APH) tin project in the DRC is one of the three top mining projects in Africa to watch in 2021. Despite the challenges of 2020, mills across the world continued crushing ore. In a year when bulls became bears within a breath, mining became more important than ever. The march to […]

Alphamin – A Beacon of hope in a fragile state

Alphamin Coreshed

Alphamin Resources’ (TSXV:AFM) (JSE: APH) tin mine in the DRC is a good example of what it takes to successfully discover a spectacular ore body in a fragile region, and to develop a mine despite the risks involved. Building a mine from scratch in the eastern parts of the DRC is not for the fainthearted. […]

Alphamin defies the lockdown blues

high grade tin concentrate

Covid-19 is actually assisting the African tin producer Alphamin Resources (TSXV:AFM) (JSE: APH) Located in the remote eastern parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the pandemic has hardly affected operations at Alphamin’s mine in the North Kivu province. Although several workers were stranded in South Africa for a few weeks during the […]

Alphamin links Africa and Silicon Valley

silicon valley

Alphamin Resources’ (TSXV:AFM) (JSE: APH) is sitting pretty at a time when the world is entering a new decade of renewable energy, electric vehicles, breath-taking new technology and responsible mining.      Technology is not the first thing that comes to mind when flying over Alphamin Resources’ tin mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It […]

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