

Our client mined nickel from sulphide ore and therefore produced excess, untreated sulphur dioxide which was liberated into the atmosphere. When Core Consultants joined the team, the engineering consultants were considering converting the sulphur dioxide into sulphuric acid.


Core Consultants’ primary task was to establish whether producing sulphoric acid would be economically viable. As such, Core Consultants met with potential sulphuric acid offakers in order to gauge the appetite. In addition, Core Consultants met with existing and potential sulphuric acid suppliers and traders in order to establish the supply potential. Finally Core Consultants met with transport companies in order to ascertain whether it was viable to transport the product.

Our Recommendation

We established that there was no local market for sulphuric acid and the transport costs would render the project prohibitive and result in a negative NPV (Net Present Value). We therefore considered the production of elemental sulphur and whilst, it was more costly and technical to develop a sulphur plant, Core Consultants established that it would be earnings accretive within the first year and provided a diversification from the nickel market.


The company was concerned about the technicalities of running a Sulphur plant and instead requested from Core Consultants a prefeasibility study into the possibility of setting up a fertilizer business, using the sulphuric acid as a feedstock. Core Consultants completed these studies and established that whilst this could be viable, a full scale cost exercise would need to be conducted. The company is now seeking investment capital to conduct further studies.

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Lara Smith
Lara is the CEO and founder of Core Consultants. She has been an analyst for over thirteen years and has focused on commodity markets for just over a decade. She began her career as a buy-side analyst at Foord Asset Management in Cape Town, before taking a Head of Research role at a mining corporate finance and investment firm.

This is a paid for advertorial by the company and written independently by Core Consultants PTY LTD. This is not considered to be investment advice.

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