Core Consultants was commissioned to evaluate the potash/phosphate markets on behalf of their client. The assignment formed part of the Competent Person’s Report(CPR) for the NYSE listing. At the time, the company had invested in and was considering the development of four phosphate projects in four countries including Namibia, Tunisia, Mauritania and India.
This report was completed as a desk-top study and in particular a review of secondary sources. We then compared our price forecasts with the assumptions used in our clients’ valuations.
Our Recommendation
At the time, this study was conducted, we concluded that both the phosphate and potash markets represented opportunities for growth and investment and was therefore worth pursuing. Further, there was a need in India and China for this commodity and therefore we could state that there was a solid business case for this project to go ahead. However, this study should be followed up by a high-level review that would provide further accuracy on the project’s cost structure.
To the best of our knowledge, two out of the four projects have received funding to go ahead. The company has subsequently made a potash acquisition in Ethiopia and is now considered the largest potential potash supplier in the world.